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Kelly Barbera • June 23, 2024

Best Strength Training Program – According to Exercise Scientist

Best Strength Training Program

Best Strength Training Program

Can’t decide which strength training program to follow as new studies are released every other week? You are not alone, as many people are facing trouble choosing the best program.

You can use dumbbells or barbells to build muscle in your body. Dumbbell shoulder presses, dumbbell split squats, dumbbell front squats, barbell bent over rows, and dumbbell chest presses on a Swiss ball are practical exercises to build muscle. 

After reading this comprehensive guide, choosing the best strength training program will never be challenging. We shared the step-by-step process of the exercises mentioned above. 

What is Strength Training?

Strength training is different compared to other workouts. It requires lifting weights to build whole-body strength. The benefits of strength training involve:

  • It improves regular progression
  • It prioritizes compound exercise
  • It emphasizes training with heavy weights

According to
NCBI, strength training is one of the effective ways to become stronger. 

Strength training comes with bigger goals. You can build strength by doing exercises without the constraints of judging criteria, weight classes, etc.

Why Choose a Strength Training Program?

You must be wondering why you should choose strength training over powerlifting.

NCBI research has proved that you can build muscle and get stronger by doing strength training. 

As mentioned, strength training emphasizes lower reps and heavier weights. At the same time, it is much more effective for muscle growth as a low-weight, high-rep routine. Increasing muscle more efficiently is another advantage of strength training. 

Many people find it more practical. They consider doing a couple of 15+ reps more demanding than a few sets of heavy squats. 

What Makes a Good Strength Training Program?

Strength training helps build muscle if you follow a routine. Your strength training program must include the following:

  • Progressive Overload: One of the most potent stimuli of strength gains and muscle growth is lifting heavier weights progressively.
  • Frequency: Optimize your strength training program, scheduling recovery and growth plans. You should balance your workout plan regularly for each muscle group without being excessive. An effective strategy is to train every muscle group twice a week and a rest day between sessions. 
  • Volume: Excessive training may lead to injury. Simultaneously, you need to make sure that your program includes enough sets. Moreover, balance the sets so that you can gain muscle in all the major muscle groups of your body. 
  • Rest: Do you have a plan to rest between training sessions? If yes, be sure you will enjoy long-term benefits. Taking a rest between sets will help you lift more weight safely. Thus, you can also remain injury-free.
  • Fun: If you don’t enjoy your strength training program, you will never be able to gain muscle. Plan your program with workouts and exercises that keep you motivated. This way, you will achieve long-term consistency and build muscle.

What is the Best Strength Training Program?

Exercise scientist Jeffrey M. Willardson, Ph.D., C.S.C.S., associate professor of kinesiology and sports studies at
Eastern Illinois University designed the strength training program below.

Follow the plan while doing your Temple Fitness, Franklin, TN strength training program.

  1. Dumbbell Shoulder Presses

Step 01:
Hold the dumbbells with both hands. Keep your fingers facing forward. The dumbbells must be held as high as possible above your shoulder and ear.

Step 02:
Now, soften your knees and exhale while pressing the dumbbells above your head. 

Step 03:
Back them down as you resist the weight.

  1. Dumbbell Split Squats (each side)

Step 01:
Hole the dumbbells, hanging them by your sides. 

Step 02:
Take a forward step and bend your rear leg. 

Step 03:
Inhale when bending your front leg. Remember to inhale while the front leg is close to a 90-degree angle. 

Step 04:
Strengthen the leg by pushing into the front leg and exhale.

  1. Dumbbell Front Squats

Step 01:
Hold the dumbbells above your shoulder. At the same time, keep the elbows bent and closer to your body. 

Step 02:
Keep the feet hip-to-shoulder-width apart. 

Step 03:
Now, sit and inhale deeply. Remember to keep your chest as high as possible, into a squat.

Step 04:
Return to stand position and exhale deeply.

  1. Barbell Bentover Rows

Step 01:
Start by bending down and sending your hips back. Keep in mind that your torso must be hinged at the waist.

Step 02:
Then bend your knees slowly.

Step 03:
The barbell should be hung in front of your legs. Keep the fingers facing forward. Also, don’t let your shoulder drop forward. 

Step 04:
Pull the barbell up and inhale.

Step 05:
Slowly lower the barbell to its start position and exhale deeply.

  1. Dumbbell Chest Presses on Swiss Ball

Step 01:
Rest on a Swiss ball. Walk your body forward slowly and stop when your legs are bent at 90-degree angles. 

Step 02:
Now, hold the dumbbells in the chest-press position. Keep the elbows a bit flared to the sides. 

Step 03:
Start pressing the dumbbells straight to your chest. Simultaneously, inhale and exhale slowly. Don’t rush during the press.


How often and how much should I work out for strength training?

You must follow a plan with the frequency and volume of your strength training. If you are a member at
Temple Fitness Franklin or meet personal trainers at Franklin, you will get a plan.

  • Frequency: Twice or thrice a week (maximum)
  • Volume: Each exercise must contain 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps

Are free weights suitable for strength training?

Free weights like barbells or dumbbells are suitable for strength training. These let you engage more muscles to stabilize your movement during workouts. Thus, your muscles will get fatigued quickly and let you build more strength with stability.

How important is nutrition for strength training?

You can build muscle by doing strength training without consuming the required nutrition. However, muscle building through strength training will be effective if you eat the necessary nutrition. 

Eat carbohydrates before exercise, which will help you get the most out of your workout. As per
NHS guidelines, consuming 50g of protein is advisable.

Summing Up

You can get the most out of your best strength training program in Temple Fitness, Franklin, TN by following a frequency and maintaining a volume. 

Also, consider consuming the required amount of nutrition. Add fun activities and rest time between sessions to stay motivated. Consult an exercise scientist and
nutritionist to plan your strength training program.

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